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Via di Valle Ricca, 103 – CAP 00138 – Roma
Open Monday to Friday
9.00 – 13.00 / 14.00 – 19.00

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Gift ideas

Accessori – Idee Regalo



It's never easy to find gift ideas that are funny and may like to him and her. Fortunatly on the web there is a wide choice of gift ideas that can satisfy anyone.

Specially if the destinatary of the gift is a games fan. Even if we are speaking about poker or pool or tarots.. this is the right place where to find a wide range of gift ideas.

An excellent resource are the furniture objects for the hobby room, like postersdecor for the house, and other stuff like this. Posters can be with a pool theme and are perfect to enrich your hobby room. It exists beautifull art pieces and posters inspired by movies and famous character that play on the "green field" (Tom Cruise and Paul Newman for example). For the fans of Texas Hold’em, how can't we speak about little accessories with a shape of an ace of spades? This kind of gift ideas are perfect to organize even little tournaments inside your house and give them as a gift to the first qualified. Like an ashtray with a dice shape or pool balls keychains or magnet, or lighter like Zippo in different versions.


Here there are some suggestions for your friends that are fans of Tarots. The Tarots are a very interesting world that can charm even those who are unrelated to them. Those who knows today came from Medieval, but someone think that theyr origin comes from ancient Egipt. From here the name "tar" and "ros", that we can translate in "way of the kings". The major arcane are coming from the Book of Thoth, a lunar god of egiptian pantheon who was judging the souls of death people. The charm of tarots came from they origin, even on because they are one of the most ancient games of the world.

Speaking about gift ideas with tarots, we have a lot of choices. From metaphisic tarots to oracles, from pendulumsrunesspheres and lamps , but even with accessories like a tarots carrier, available in a lot of different versions and colors. If you have a friend that is an exoteric fan, so one of these gifts ideas are right for you!

Buy cards, posters, tarot cards and lighters at giochi.restaldi.com!


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